Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stop at Nothing

This morning I was welcomed from sleep with a bombardment of "Kony 2012." I went to sleep and only one friend had posted the video. I woke up to 16 posts of this video from "Invisible Children".

While I was in university several of my fellow Crusaders took part in the Invisible Children movement. I never actually participated in their activities, but I followed the organization through my friends. They have been working since 2003 to bring awareness to the situation that is unfolding in Africa. I think we as Americans tend to get comfortable in our bubble of protection. We think that we are invincible to the tragedies of this world around us.

I think this movement to first bring awareness and now ACTION to the forgotten parts of the world is incredible. People are banding together to do something. So that is the question. What will I do? What actual actions can I take to bring change to my world?

What actions can YOU take? What are you doing actively in your life to bring a CHANGE to this fallen world of ours?

I am reminded of the words from James: Faith without works is dead. I have faith in a God that wants to change each of us. He desires for us to follow Him and bring others with us. If I truly believe what I say that I believe I will stop at nothing to ensure that His will and His word is made known. Spread the Word!!

God is just as invisible as these children in Africa. We must Make the Invisible Visible to those who don't know. 

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