Thursday, May 9, 2013

Living Where You Are


So if there is one thing I have learned from living in another country it is that you need to live where you are. Now you might say, "Yes, Shelly...of course isn't that the way it always is."

What do I mean by living? I mean meeting with people. Talking to people. Sharing your life, emotions, thoughts, struggles, fears, joys, moments and everything in between with those around you. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Letting people in and seeking to be let in to others' lives. 

With technology it would be very easy for me to be here in the Czech Republic, but still 'live' in America. I can watch all the tv shows (which could fill most of my day), keep in contact with friends (also could take most of my time) and never leave my flat. 

But then, why did I move here? The point is to build relationships, get to know other people share life. So as I continue to build my life here I want to be intentional in building those relationships. I want to live here, enjoy the friendships I have, and be present. 

So...what can you pray? I need a mentor. An older person who can walk with me through life. They can encourage me, give me advice and share their wisdom and experience. Thanks! 

1 comment:

  1. Truth. As you often have encouraged me, "Be where you are." Praying for this woman of God who can help challenge and encourage you in you walk with the Lord!


Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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