Sunday, January 15, 2012


One of my favorite musicals is Les Miserables. It is coming to Prague in March. A few of my friends and I are going to see it when it comes. I am really excited about experiencing this musical here in the Czech Republic.

There is one song in this musical called Stars. It is the major song of the antagonist, Javert. He is looking to the stars as a source of consistency. "You know your place in the sky. You hold your course and your aim. And each in your season returns and returns and is always the same." When his world is being turned upside down by a compassionate/merciful convict, he looks to the stars for normalcy. I can agree with Javert in this.

I just read (today on the train) The Little Prince. I had never really heard of this book until someone mentioned it to me. And it seems I can't get away from it. I borrowed it from a friend today and read it the whole way home. It's not a very long book, but it is so good and full of so many truths.

The stars are a main theme in this book. At the end of the book the main character is challenged to see certain things in the stars to remember what he has learned. So this brings me to my thoughts.

I have always enjoyed looking up at the stars. It was one of my favorite pass-times in Texas. When you've got such a big sky and most of the time there's no clouds, you can see SO many stars in the sky. You get to know them pretty well.

So here, living on the other side of the ocean, I still enjoy looking up at the stars. Living in the city the opportunity doesn't come around very much, but when it does I thoroughly enjoy it. I look to the stars and I see familiarity. I am lucky enough to still be living in the Northern Hemisphere which means I get to see the same stars my family is seeing in Texas.

When I look up to the sky, I see those familiar constellations and patterns. The stars remind me that I am still on the same planet as my family and all the people I love.

What do you see when you look to the stars? How do they make you feel? What do they remind you of?


  1. I also love star gazing. I just think of how big space is and how God is somehow so much more infinitely bigger than that. I also think it's like God had some silver glitter in His hand and then he just blew it gently and that is what they stars look like to me on a really clear night when you can see a ton. I have also thought about how it makes the world small because I can see the same things as my family and friends back home. Also, how God has a name for every single one of them. Also, my grandma likes to call me Star :D

  2. The stars remind me of the awesomeness of God. I can only find the Dippers--I wish I could see the other constellation--but they're beautiful nonetheless.


Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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