Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How do you measure a year?

It's been a year. Well, almost. In teacher terms it's a year. : ) This is a video of my year in Ostrava. I am constantly blown away at his provision! Thanks for all of your support, through prayer and financial giving. 

God of This City: Chris Tomlin
Ty Jsi Jediny Buh (You are the only God)
Imanuel: Gina 
Beloved: Vineyard Music

Ty Jsi Jediny Buh Translation: 
You are the only God.
The first and last.
Never was there or will there be
Anyone like You are

You are the most powerful
You are sovereign  

Never was there or will there be
Anyone like You are

You are the biggest in strength and the greatest in power
Terrible in Your anger, but You love the most
Holy in all Your works, wise and perfect
Never was there or will there be
Anyone like You

Imanuel Translation: 

With all that I have, 
I come up with praise before Your thronebefore Thy face.
I long to stand there and let the glory fill me more than I previously knew.

I recall Your wonderful works.
Miraculously, I have the privilege to call You, Immanuel.

Beautiful dreams I have, that the earth sings,
I hear the chorus already powerful sound.
The time will be happy when the nation invokes Thee,
Your government is just under You everything goes better.

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