Monday, November 28, 2011

Love my job

I am sitting in our staff room or 'kabinet' as the call it. Just had lunch with a colleague of mine. And we were talking about our jobs. I have to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am for my job.

I started the day off with a wonderful conversation lesson with my students this morning about Christmas traditions and stories. I love celebrating the birth of our Savior and sharing with others the story.

Then I come here and my students got to use a smart board to research various tourist locations. Then I taught a seventh grade science lesson about air resistance and did an experiment.

My day today was wrapped in so many things I love about teaching. Technology, meaningful conversations, and hands on learning.

Thank you, Lord for a wonderful day. And a reminder that you have called me here.

Love and Grace from our Lord

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for being able to daily DO what you LOVE. Such a precious gift!!


Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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