Saturday, March 30, 2013

Freedom to Share

So I have been going back and forth about this post. This week has been an important one in the history of my home country. Every person should have the right to say what they think is true without fear of judgement, ridicule, or condemnation. With this blog I have always been careful about what I share for fear of "offending."  But this week I have realized that what I was most afraid of was rejection. So from now on, this blog will be a place of honesty and openness about who I am, what I believe, and why I am here living in the Czech Republic.

I need your prayers for boldness in sharing what God has done in my life. I have been changed and redeemed and I want everyone to know this same love, redemption, and freedom. So many of the students I teach here see Christianity as a bonding religion. They see rules, guidelines and restrictions. I want to show them the freedom that comes with knowing Christ.

So how can you pray. We are preparing for English Camp 2013. It will beheld June 29-July 6. I am responsible for organizing the evening program for our camp. Coming up with themes and songs and organizing the evening talk. For me this is the most important time of camp. It is when the students hear the gospel of Jesus. They experience what life as a Christian is like. It can be fun, even with all the rules.

You can pray for our students hearts and the camp teams hearts as we both prepare. Students will come to this camp who have never truly heard the gospel or seen how Christians live. I have seen the impact this week can have, so pray for open minds and hearts anda willingness to at least consider the  Truth.

Thank you for all of your support in what The Lord is doing here in the Czech Republic. Updates will be coming more often.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for a renewed passion to boldly proclaim the freedom and forgiveness only Christ can provide! Love you, sister!


Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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