Saturday, October 2, 2010


Last night I went to the youth gathering at my church. This month they are focusing on Prayer. Last week, we got to share a lot of how Prayer had an impact on us coming to the Czech Republic, why we are here, and how God is working in us. It was an awesome time! I am constantly amazed at how the Father gives us opportunities to share His Good News with those we come into contact with.

I am in a unique place in that just being here makes people more interested in me. I have left my home country and moved to THEIR country, out of all the countries in the world, to teach my language to them. Let alone, I am in Ostrava, a city not known for having a large American population. Why not move to Prague? They can understand why the Czech Republic, but many times they don't understand why we would want to live in Ostrava.

So last night, we discussed praying before meals. How it is 1. Practical. It is a reminder 3 or 4 times a day to pray. 2. It makes us appreciate how God provides every need in our life. 3. It is a witness to those around you. So...we prayed, then we ate and hung out. Michael, one of the leaders decided to play a game while we ate. It was called, Name That Tv Theme! I thought...oh I'm from America, I can do this...and I am known for having TV Theme songs memorized to a T.

Well....these kids SCHOOLED me! They knew shows that I had not even heard of, or heard of them but couldn't even hum the theme song if I wanted to. They would shout out the names of these 'serials' as they call them. I would look at them dumbfounded and they would shocking ask, 'You've never heard of that?!' I was completely embarrassed at my lack of American cultural understanding.

I then felt better when I played 'What ever happened to predictability....' And they all looked at me dumbfounded....Definitely a moment of HA! : ) Love these kids, love these people, love this opportunity!

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Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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