Saturday, August 28, 2010

Keep Singing

I love how it looks like fingers have been raked through the clouds. 

This morning while I was reading in Isaiah, the Lord impressed upon me something real. He is the Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. He knew everything before it came into existence because HE created it. He formed it in His mind before He formed it in His hands. He knows exactly what I am going through even though I so many times can't put into words what I am going through.

Moving overseas and starting a new life is a bit challenging. They tell you at training that it will be tough, but even they can't put into exact words what you go through. And, it's different for everyone. It definitely makes you put all of your trust and faith in the One who called you here.

Yesterday I revived an old Mercy Me song on my iTunes. I haven't listened to it in a long time and felt drawn to it. So many times in college it gave me peace when things were crazy and I didn't really see where I was going or what plans God had. Keep Singing. (look it up ;) )

This week has been so long. Has it really only been a week? God has done so much in me that everyday seems like a week in itself. I started off full of adrenaline at the fact that I am living in the Czech Republic, a place I have wanted to be for a few years. Then reality of leaving home and being away from everything comfortable set in on Monday and continued through Wednesday. I was having a blast getting to see everything and experience this life that I will be living as long as God calls me here.

But there was this underlying tone that was fear and anxiety and uncertainty. The song Keep Singing paints and imagery of climbing up into God's lap while He sings over you. Like a child who needs comfort from his father or mother. I love that picture of one of the many characteristics of God. He has called me here. He will bring me through it all. Even when I look around and can't see the path He has me on, He is always there holding my hand and leading me. HOW BEAUTIFUL!

So, wherever you are today, starting a new school year, starting a new job, or entering a new chapter in your life, sit in His lap for a while. Let Him hold you and quiet you with His love and rejoice over you with shouts of joy or singing. Take time sometime this week or even today to climb up in His lap and not leave. Sit quietly and let Him assure you that He is in control, He knows even what you can't put into words.

1 comment:

  1. fantastic thoughts, shelly. this was definitely what i needed to hear this morning :)


Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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