Thursday, March 7, 2013

The end of darkness

The past few months have been extraordinary. I have had so many blessings and built so many friendships.

 To start off February, David and I went to snowboard camp with a youth group here in Ostrava. It was incredible to interact with such amazing youth, who are on fire for our Lord. Their servants hearts and willingness to support everyone at the camp, were rather large inspirations for me.

During the day, I learned how to snowboard. In the evening we had a program with a "talk". However, my favorite thing was that at every meal, someone shared their testimony from their life. It could be any story. Then people could ask whatever questions they wanted. It was awesome that each person had their moment of attention.

Here are a few pictures from the week.

I was also able to start developing a friendship with a girl in my English club. She is a reader and is interested in the same type of books as me. It's cool how we are able to connect. I hope to get to ow her better in the next few months.

The darkness of winter is fading. I like to think of march as a battle between winter and spring. I can't wait for the light to come. Which season is your favorite and why?

Thanks for all your thoughts and for hanging with me for three years. It means a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it is nice to remind that week at snowboard camp. It was really good week, thanks for reminding :-)


Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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