Sunday, November 21, 2010

Inviting People In

I spent this weekend in the middle of no where Czech Republic with 37 of the most incredible people in Europe right now. It was our annual Thanksgiving retreat for the organization I work with. We gathered together to relax, encourage and lift each other up. It was truly a time of renewal. A much needed time to relax and enjoy each other's company.

This weekend I got to soak up time with the people I am closest to and also develop and strengthen friendships that have become most important to me. We got the chance to be real with each and open and honest. How are things going? Was a common question that circulated through out the group. The most awesome part: everyone really wanted to know. We were able to share our struggles and joys with each other.

I also picked up a new book this weekend from one of the other teachers. It is called "mY generation." It is written by Josh Riebock. In this book he challenges everyone to live a transparent life full of authenticity, brokenness, and vulnerability. Living in this way brings freedom, restoration and healing.

So often I am afraid of being vulnerable with those around me. I become terrified of rejection or judgement. I take my struggles and vulnerabilities and shove them way down some where deep with in and hope that no one notices them.

This is not how God created us to live, nor is it even remotely how He wants us to. We NEED to become real with each other. Stop being so jaded or fake with our lives. It is imperative that we share our lives with those around us.

Me in particular. I can become so frustrated when I feel like people are being fake with me or holding back emotions and struggles. But how often do I allow those people in myself? I am just as jaded as they are.

Now I'm not saying that every time someone asks you how you are you have to give them a full monologue of all your sins and downfalls. But we need to at least have some people that we feel comfortable sharing our moments of weakness with. In order to live in true community we have to be real and transparent with each other.

I just started this book only this morning and I am almost half way through. If you can find it, you should read it! Definitely a good perspective on how to live life in community.

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Shelly McMullen
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