Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cleaning House

One of the first things that we did when we moved into our new home for the year was to clean out our closet. At the end of our hallway, right next to my bedroom there is a closet that is HUGE! We discovered this closet by accident because the door is covered in the same wallpaper as the wall.

The closet was full of old discarded items that have little to no value but have been stored for who knows how many years. We needed the closet to keep all our luggage so that it wouldn't be in the middle of our bedrooms.

Chelsea, the amazing nester that she is, climbed in over all the junk and pulled everything out. We went through every article and determined whether or not it was worth keeping. The articles that were kept were put back into the closet on a shelf. The items to be discarded were thrown out.

I read the other day about one of the kings of Judah who saw a desperate need for cleaning up the place. In 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35 Josiah is king over Judah. He started reigning at the age of 8. By the age of 12 he was already purging Jerusalem and Judah of all the places to worship Baal.

At the age of 18 he started cleaning out the temple. Discovered among all the idols and alters of incense to other gods was the neglected book of the law that was given to Moses. Josiah had never even heard of such a law, because, when one of the cleansers of the temple brought it to him and read it before him, he tore his clothes and wept bitterly.

God's word was thrown onto a pile just like we do with our unwanted items in our house, forgotten and laying collecting dust. The priests of Jerusalem and all the people carried on with their daily business, not knowing what was hiding in the temple the whole time.

How often do we let things go untouched or shoved into a closet of our lives, our heart. Is it time for us to clean house? Are there things that need to be purged and thrown away, are there cherished things that need to be brought out and used again. Let God do a cleansing of your Spirit this week. As you enter a new week and most of you have the day off tomorrow (wish the Czechs had labor day) take the time to allow Him to show you those things that need to be torn down and those things that need to be dusted off and used again for His glory!

Read about Josiah. It will bless you!

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