2 Corinthians 1:5 "For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows."
LOVE the play on words there! His comfort overflows! HOW TRUE!
My prayer cards were delivered yesterday. I received a box of 500 cards! :) Now, I just have to distribute them. Which is going to be a task in and of itself.
God is growing me so much through this whole process. When I first started, several people told me to get ready for a fun ride. I didn't realize then exactly how much fun it was going to be. The blessings I have received through all of this has been overwhelming!
It has truly helped me to realize how appreciated I am. Which has humbled me immensely! God is the only person who deserves the credit, because I sure don't! He is so faithful to meet all of our needs and provide what we need, exactly when we need it!
As I dig in His word I am constantly reminded of truths that I so easily forget. Last night I was reading in Deuteronomy 10. Verse 12 instructs us to "fear the Lord, walk in His ways, serve Him with all our heart and soul." He wants EVERYTHING! Our very being! He will not settle for less than all of our possessions, desires, dreams, thoughts, etc!
Have you given Him EVERYTHING? Are there still things you are holding on to? Have I? Questions I have been pondering for quite some time. I have to release everything to Him, and trust Him with it all! Even when it is something I desperately want. He knows and is in control. He will be there to guide and instruct! Praise the LORD!
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