Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sharing and Returning

After getting back from a wonderful two weeks in California for training, I returned to Belton to share what God has done this year in my life and in the lives of others. It is so exciting to not only share what He has done but to hear how He has worked in the lives of my friends who were still here.

I cannot express how much all of the support that I receive means to me. Every prayer, every thought, every dollar given is worth it's weight in gold. I couldn't be doing this with out the help and support of all of you. That is a truly humbly thing to realize. I need other people to continue doing what He has called me to do. THANK YOU SO MUCH to those who have given to my second year!

There is still a need.
I have updated my thermometer on the right side of my blog to represent my current need. I currently need $3,300. This will help cover the cost needed for my organization and my plane tickets to and from the Czech Republic this year. My goal is to get all of this support by the end of November.

That's 3 months!

That breaks down to:
66 people who are willing to give $50
44 people who are willing to give $75
33 people who are willing to give $100

So if you want to give $100 that's $33 a month (one family meal out),  $75 that's $25 a month (5 less Starbucks drinks) $50 that's $16 a month (a meal at Chili's)!

In this economy I know that money is tight and that every cent counts around your house. Please pray about what He wants you to give or give up. Every cent is most graciously appreciated and humbly received.

I leave to go back to Ostrava on September 1st. That's in one week from today. I am going to spend the last week in Greenville with my parents. I am really excited about this coming year. There are so many things I want to do and be involved in.

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Fishnet s.r.o.
Shelly McMullen
Husova 9
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic

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