This past weekend was fall break for us. I had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off. I decided to take a trip to visit a dear friend, Annie, who lives in Miskolc Hungary. It was a wonderful time of refreshment and quality time. I have not seen Annie since we left training in August. So, it was good to catch up and soak up that good time with her.
While in Hungary I noticed a lot of people walking around the city with flowers and ever green branches in their hands. I became overly curious and asked one of her students what was up. She informed me of the Central European tradition of All Souls Day.
They do not celebrate Halloween here. They choose the end of October/beginning of November to honor those who have passed on. The go to the burial site of their family members and decorate the grave. They put down flowers and ever green branches. They also light candles. While placing the candles on the grave they say a prayer for their family members and remember them and the times that they had together.
I was very intrigued with this tradition. I knew it would be an optimal time to get some photos of a cemetery lit up with several hundred candles. I asked my Czech friend if she had any suggestions of a cemetery where I could go take pictures. She did even better and took us out the village where her family is buried.
We road the bus a little out of town, stopped at her grandparents house to get some candles and went to the cemetery. Just in my thoughts it was all lit up and gorgeous. Definitely a somber and striking moment for me. I realized how fleeting life is. We are here one minute and gone the next.
The only thing we leave behind are those who love us, our legacy and Christ's example in us. The only thing that really matters is eternity. Christ constantly reminds us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy. I found myself thinking of those I have loved who have left their Earthly bodies for an eternal one.
My grandfather was a huge part of my life when I was little. He truly invested in his grandchildren's lives. There are times where I miss him more than I can say. I know he would be so proud of where God is taking me and how He is constantly growing me. His example and investment in my life will have an eternal impact, even though I only had him for ten years.
What impact am I having? What will people remember about me when it comes time to honor my life? Something to chew on...definitely....
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